
👨‍💻 Vidhya03 - Full stack engineer

Using HAR Files to Improve Webapps Performance

Introduction: As a 🌐 website owner, ensuring a seamless user experience is vital for the success of your business. However, despite your best efforts, you may receive feedback from users about slow 📈 page load times or other performance issues. This is where HAR (HTTP Archive) 💎 files can be a valuable tool for developers. In simple terms, a HAR file is a log 📄 of all the network ✅ requests and responses made by a web page .

JHipster from main branch

💡 JHipster from main branch 👨‍💻 💕 Introduction What is JHipster JHipster is a development platform for building modern web applications, mobile apps, and microservices in Java and JavaScript. It provides a set of tools and workflows that make it easy to create applications using popular frameworks such as Spring Boot, Angular, React, and Vue.js. With JHipster, developers can quickly generate a full-stack application with a modern front-end, back-end, and database layer, along with user authentication, authorization, and security features.

K8s Useful Commands

Useful k8s commands 💡 💕 Table of contents How to create pods How to view all objects in k8s How to find or count the number of k8s objects - namespace, pods, service How to delete or terminate the pod force Print lables of an object or pods How to create pods How to create pods 1 2 kubectl run podname --image imagename This command will create a nginx pods

My Git Useful Commands

Useful git commands 💕 Table of contents How to see my last commit How to output git log with the first line only? How can i view a git log of just one user How do I force git pull to overwire local files How do I determine the url of git repository How do I go to specific revision How do I tag a specific commit How do I delete a specific branch How to change author in a commit How to rename the git branch How do I branch a specific commit How to reset the git password in windows How to reset a git branch How to reset a local commit How to resolve merge conflicts How to view git stash files How to git stash specific files under a path How to revert merge commit How to pick a commit from one branch to another using cherry-pick How to fix or solve No url found for submodule path in .